Your Pregnancy At Week-18

Written by mindsmaking

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Welcome to the second week of your fifth month as a pregnant woman. At eighteen weeks, you have five months and two weeks or twenty-two weeks of pregnancy left. Your baby has grown a lot and is now about the size of a bell pepper. You can now tell your baby’s gender on an ultrasound.

Take a peek at your baby

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A protective insulation called Myelin is beginning to form around the nerves of the unborn child. This covering will continue to grow until your baby turns one.

Your one-of-a-kind baby has acquired unique fingerprints on those tiny fingertips and toes.

Your baby’s reproductive system is still developing. If it’s a girl, the uterus and fallopian tubes are in position. If it’s a boy, your next ultrasound may reveal the genitals.

Take a Peek

A protective insulation called Myelin is beginning to form around the nerves of the unborn child. This covering will continue to grow until your baby turns one.

Your one-of-a-kind baby has acquired unique fingerprints on those tiny fingertips and toes.

Your baby’s reproductive system is still developing. If it’s a girl, the uterus and fallopian tubes are in position. If it’s a boy, your next ultrasound may reveal the genitals.

How is my baby developing at week 18?

This week, your baby’s sex organs are now fully formed and can be determined through an ultrasound. This week, your baby has also started to sleep. As time goes on, your baby’s sleeping time will be more regulated to night and day, but for now, that ‘internal clock’ is not fully functioning.

One skill your baby has learned this week is yawning and hiccupping. You might see your baby yawn in an ultrasound, and as time goes on, you will be able to feel your baby hiccupping. Your baby’s nerve cells, as well as their lungs, are also developing in this week. The nerve cells in the brain are maturing to perform the functions of touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, and hearing. By the time of their birth, they would be fully formed.

Your baby’s ears which formed a few weeks ago and started moving to their original place from the side of the face have finally arrived at their correct position. Your baby’s ears are now placed correctly on the face. Your baby’s hearing is now also more accurate, and your baby can hear you when you speak to them.

Because your baby has increased in weight, the chances of you feeling their movements are higher this week. Although it is usual to feel your baby’s movements this week, but don’t be worried if you cannot feel yours as you still have about two to three weeks to feel your baby’s first movements.

How big is my baby at week 18?

Your baby is growing bigger and bigger each week, and this week, your baby is about 190 grams heavy and measures 5.59 inches in length. In more practical terms, your baby is about the size of a bell pepper.


WEEK 18:

Your baby is about the size of a bell pepper







From head to heel


WEEK 18:

Your baby is about the size of a bell pepper







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 18

With each week that passes, you are also getting bigger as your baby grows bigger. Your stomach is definitely no longer flat, and everybody can tell you are pregnant now. Your waistline is disappearing as your pelvis grows upwards, and your lower back is now pressed inside to support your weight. 

Even though it is expected of you to have a bump, don’t get worried over the fact that your bump is bigger or smaller than someone else’s own. Baby bumps on different people are determined by many things, such as your weight before pregnancy, your pregnancy record (if this is your first or not), and your body system in general. Keep in mind that all bumps are normal.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 18 weeks pregnant, you have about 22 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 18?

Because your baby and uterus are rapidly growing, you will likely look pregnant at 18 weeks. However, remember that every woman is different, as each pregnancy, so some women still have small bumps while others have popped a lot . Baby bumps at week 18 are normal and healthy. However, they may vary depending on how much weight you and your baby are gaining. Avoid comparing your 18-week-pregnant belly to other pregnant women at the same stage, and don’t worry about measuring too big or too small. You can always talk to your doctor if you’re worried.

Back pain is another thing you might be experiencing right now because your expanding uterus shifts your center of gravity, causing your lower back to be pushed forward while your abdomen is popped out. When you combine this with changes caused by the pregnancy hormone relaxin, that is, relaxing all of your ligaments, including those that connect your pelvic bones to the spine, and loosening joints — you end up with pains and backaches, as well as a shifting posture.

Reduce pain by elevating your feet slightly when sitting with a footrest. A long, warm bath can also help. If your back pain doesn’t go away, make an appointment with your doctor.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 18

A common symptom this week is lower backaches. Since your back is straining to support your tummy, it is not surprising for you to get backaches. Try to stand for less time, and place a pillow behind your back when you sit down.

You may also experience swollen hands and feet this week. Although it is normal to get swelling during pregnancy, you may want to see your doctor if the node is severe or sudden. You will also get leg cramps, which may signify dehydration. It would be best to drink lots of water.

You may sight varicose veins on your skin due to the increased pressure on your circulatory system. Change positions frequently, raise your legs when you can, get lots of exercise, and avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes.

You may also get nosebleeds this week. Increased strain on your nose’s veins could be causing it to bleed more than usual. If you bleed through your nose, pinch your nose for five to ten minutes to apply pressure. Stopping the bleeding with an ice pack can also help.

It is also common for pregnant women to get sleepless nights or find it hard to sleep, probably because their minds are trying to catch up with their bodies and lifestyle changes. This week, symptoms such as nausea and loss of appetite are gone, but you may still experience swollen and bleeding gums, dizziness, and round ligament pains (pain in the side of your belly).

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 18

A common symptom this week is lower backaches. Since your back is straining to support your tummy, it is not surprising for you to get backaches. Try to stand for less time, and place a pillow behind your back when you sit down.

You may also experience swollen hands and feet this week. Although it is normal to get swelling during pregnancy, you may want to see your doctor if the node is severe or sudden. You will also get leg cramps, which may signify dehydration. It would be best to drink lots of water.

You may sight varicose veins on your skin due to the increased pressure on your circulatory system. Change positions frequently, raise your legs when you can, get lots of exercise, and avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes.

Don’t make any sudden moves: Always carefully rise up from a sitting or sleeping position to avoid dizziness. Progesterone boosts blood flow to your baby throughout pregnancy, resulting in lower blood pressure and decreased blood supply to your brain, giving you that faint feeling all over.

You may also get nosebleeds this week. Increased strain on your nose’s veins could be causing it to bleed more than usual. If you bleed through your nose, pinch your nose for five to ten minutes to apply pressure. Stopping the bleeding with an ice pack can also help.

It is also common for pregnant women to get sleepless nights or find it hard to sleep, probably because their minds are trying to catch up with their bodies and lifestyle changes. This week, symptoms such as nausea and loss of appetite are gone, but you may still experience swollen and bleeding gums, dizziness, and round ligament pains (pain in the side of your belly).

Health tips for week 18

Have adequate rest

This week, you are having a lot of pains in different parts of your body, so taking time to rest is very important. Don’t stand for long periods, and try to take naps when you can. You can get a pillow for your swollen feet and raise your legs when you are sitting. Using a pregnancy or body pillow to support your hip or back while sleeping will also contribute to good sleep.

Eat healthily

Eat healthily and drink a lot of water. Drinking lots of water helps keep you hydrated and, therefore, prevents leg cramps caused by dehydration. Drinking water can also help reduce your stretch marks.

Perform moderate exercise

 If you want to get up from sitting or lying down, ensure that you do it slowly. Standing suddenly can make you dizzy and unsteady on your feet, and increases your chances of falling. You should also avoid exercises that have to do with jumping and bouncing. To be safe, it would help to enrol in an exercise class for pregnant women.

Warnings for your week 18 of pregnancy

Avoid lying on your back: As you and your baby get bigger, make sure to always lay on your side and not on your back. Lying on your back can cut off blood flow to your baby and decrease your blood pressure; both consequences are harmful.

Avoid smoking: Make sure to avoid smoking and second-hand smoke as it can be harmful to both you and your baby, especially now that your baby’s sense of smell is developing.

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