Pregnancy Week 15

Pregnancy Week 15

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Welcome to the third week of your fourth month as a pregnant woman. You are about three and a half months pregnant now, and you have about twenty-five weeks to go. It seems like time is rushing by; not long ago, your baby was really tiny, but now, your baby is up to the size of an apple. You must be feeling better and relaxed now compared to your first trimester. In just a few weeks to come, you will be able to feel your baby’s movement, and before you know what’s happening, you will be giving birth to your baby.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Your child’s bones are beginning to ossify. The skeleton would be visible in an X-ray. Bones in the spine, skull, shoulder, hands and feet have started hardening.

Your little one’s skin is still super thin, allowing developing bones and blood vessels to show through.

Organs are starting to fall into place, specifically your baby’s ears and eyes. They continue to move to their proper positions on the baby’s face and head.

Take a Peek

Your child’s bones are beginning to ossify. The skeleton would be visible in an X-ray. Bones in the spine, skull, shoulder, hands and feet have started hardening.

Your little one’s skin is still super thin, allowing developing bones and blood vessels to show through.

Organs are starting to fall into place, specifically your baby’s ears and eyes. They continue to move to their proper positions on the baby’s face and head.

How is my baby developing at week 15?

It is amazing how much your baby has grown in the last few weeks. This week, your baby is developing other facial features that were not present before. Not only are these features developing, but they are also moving gradually to where they are supposed to be.

Your baby’s eyes formed a few weeks earlier are now moving to their original place on the face, but the eyes remain closed for another few weeks. The outer ears have also formed and are rising to where they are supposed to be. The internal ears are still developing, and in a few weeks, your baby will be able to hear you when you speak.

Your baby has developed all its important organs, and this week, it’s all about growing and getting bigger. We can refer to the forming of bones as the biggest development this week. Although the bones have begun to form earlier, they are now becoming stronger and harder. Your baby can also move their entire body; they can stretch and move their legs and arms around.

This week, your baby’s skin is transparent, and when you do an ultrasound, you will be able to see their skeleton and blood vessels through the skin. Your baby’s skin is also covered in fuzzy and soft hair called Lanugo. This is to help your baby remain warm while growing inside of you. As the weeks pass by, your baby will acquire enough fat to keep them warm, and so they will not need the hair again, therefore the hair will fall off.

Between this week and the next two or three weeks (weeks fifteen to eighteen) is the time for you to start carrying out some important tests on your baby. These tests, such as amniocentesis and non-invasive blood tests, are carried out to detect abnormalities such as Down syndrome in your baby.

How big is my baby at week 15?

This week, your baby weighs about 70 gram and measures about 3.93 inches in length, about 11 centimeters in height. More practically, your baby is the size of an apple this week. Their legs have now grown longer than their arms, and their total height has increased since the past week.


WEEK 15:

Your baby is about the size of an apple







From head to heel


WEEK 15:

Your baby is about the size of an apple







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 15

At fifteen weeks, you are now looking more pregnant than you were in the previous weeks. Your pregnancy records will mostly determine the size of your belly in the fifteenth week. Because if your abdominal muscles have not been strained previously, developing a suitable baby bump may take longer if this is your first pregnancy.

However, if this is not your first time, the abdominal muscles will be more relaxed, and you will have a baby bump at fifteen weeks. Remember that each person’s bump can also differ because of different body systems and weight.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 15 weeks pregnant, you have about 25 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 15?

Many of those worrisome early pregnancy symptoms have subsided by this week. However, now that you can open your mouth without throwing up, it’s time to pay attention to your mouth, also undergoing some pregnancy-induced changes.

When you brush or floss, you may notice that your gums are red and swollen or prone to bleeding; pregnancy hormones are at work, causing gum disease (gingivitis) due to an infection or inflammation of the gums by making them react to the bacteria in plaque. In addition, you may find a slight bulge on your gums, a pregnancy tumour. Before getting concerned, understand that these noncancerous growths are harmless and painless. It should go away after the baby is born if you get one.
Gingivitis can be severe, leading to preterm labour when bacteria enter the bloodstream and target the fetus.

Regular dental care, brushing at least twice a day, and gentle flossing once a day will help to reduce gum swelling, bleeding, and soreness.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 15

It is no secret that the second trimester is generally easier than the first. You will have less nausea, more appetite, and more energy. Still, the second trimester comes with symptoms of its own as well. One of these is heartburn and indigestion. Since your pelvis is growing, it can press down on other organs in your system, which can then cause heartburn. You may also feel faint or dizzy occasionally.

This week, and maybe for a few to come, you may get swollen and bleeding gums. You will also get colds and a stuffy nose; there might also be nosebleeds. The pains that started in the side of your belly a few weeks ago have not stopped yet, and they may get worse when you stand. If you put your feet up and rest, it might relieve the pain. 

Your skin may become irritated. Use a non-fragranced moisturizer, wear loose cotton clothes, and take a cold bath. Consult your doctor if the itching becomes unbearable, especially at night. You might also become forgetful during this period. However, it is normal, and there is nothing to worry about, make lists and paste them around your house to help you remember things.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 15

It is no secret that the second trimester is generally easier than the first. You will have less nausea, more appetite, and more energy. Still, the second trimester comes with symptoms of its own as well. One of these is heartburn and indigestion. Since your pelvis is growing, it can press down on other organs in your system, which can then cause heartburn. You may also feel faint or dizzy occasionally.

This week, and maybe for a few to come, you may get swollen and bleeding gums. You will also get colds and a stuffy nose; there might also be nosebleeds. The pains that started in the side of your belly a few weeks ago have not stopped yet, and they may get worse when you stand. If you put your feet up and rest, it might relieve the pain. 

Your skin may become irritated. Use a non-fragranced moisturizer, wear loose cotton clothes, and take a cold bath. Consult your doctor if the itching becomes unbearable, especially at night. You might also become forgetful during this period. However, it is normal, and there is nothing to worry about, make lists and paste them around your house to help you remember things.

Health tips for week 15

Order pregnancy badge

Very important; if you take public transportation, you should consider ordering a badge (if it is applicable in your residence area) to encourage other passengers to give up their seats for you. You may feel good right now, but you will become more unsteady on your feet as you gain weight, and falling can be distressing and even hazardous.

Use a soft toothbrush and Maintain good hygiene

Use a soft toothbrush and brush your teeth at least twice a day to maintain your swollen and bleeding gums. Also, see your dentist for more tips to keep the discomfort at bay.

Perform moderate exercise

Moderate exercise will help prevent unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. It will also help improve your mood when you’re down.

Have enough rest

Even though this week is energetic and you will want to get done as many things as you can, you should still try to rest. Take naps, or you can just kick your feet up and do nothing for a while. Resting will help with your headaches and other body pains. When sleeping, you should also try not to sleep on your back but your left side instead, as this will help with blood circulation.

Warnings for your week 15 of pregnancy

Thrust: Thrush is a common yeast infection with symptoms such as itching in the vagina, stinging when urinating or having sex, and lumpy white discharges. If you have thrush, see your doctor, and abstain from sex until it’s gone. However, thrush can be prevented by wearing loose underwear made of cotton and non-fragranced body wash.

Miscarriage: Watch out for feelings of abdominal pain and bleeding. They may indicate a miscarriage. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience any of this.

Urinary Tract Infection: Fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning sensation while urinating, and pelvic pain are symptoms. Speak with your Ob-Gyn or midwife if you experience any of these. Your obstetrician will give you some baby-safe antibiotics to use.

Chronic Illnesses: Pregnancy can worsen chronic conditions. Conditions like hypertension and diabetes can cause a lot of harm to you and your baby. Take all prescribed medication and exercise regularly. Also, regularly check your blood pressure or blood sugar level.

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Welcome to the third week of your fourth month as a pregnant woman. You are about three and a half months pregnant now, and you have about twenty-five weeks to go. It seems like time is rushing by; not long ago, your baby was really tiny, but now, your baby is up to the size of an apple. You must be feeling better and relaxed now compared to your first trimester. In just a few weeks to come, you will be able to feel your baby’s movement, and before you know what’s happening, you will be giving birth to your baby.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Your child’s bones are beginning to ossify. The skeleton would be visible in an X-ray. Bones in the spine, skull, shoulder, hands and feet have started hardening.

Your little one’s skin is still super thin, allowing developing bones and blood vessels to show through.

Organs are starting to fall into place, specifically your baby’s ears and eyes. They continue to move to their proper positions on the baby’s face and head.

Take a Peek

Your child’s bones are beginning to ossify. The skeleton would be visible in an X-ray. Bones in the spine, skull, shoulder, hands and feet have started hardening.

Your little one’s skin is still super thin, allowing developing bones and blood vessels to show through.

Organs are starting to fall into place, specifically your baby’s ears and eyes. They continue to move to their proper positions on the baby’s face and head.

How is my baby developing at week 15?

It is amazing how much your baby has grown in the last few weeks. This week, your baby is developing other facial features that were not present before. Not only are these features developing, but they are also moving gradually to where they are supposed to be.

Your baby’s eyes formed a few weeks earlier are now moving to their original place on the face, but the eyes remain closed for another few weeks. The outer ears have also formed and are rising to where they are supposed to be. The internal ears are still developing, and in a few weeks, your baby will be able to hear you when you speak.

Your baby has developed all its important organs, and this week, it’s all about growing and getting bigger. We can refer to the forming of bones as the biggest development this week. Although the bones have begun to form earlier, they are now becoming stronger and harder. Your baby can also move their entire body; they can stretch and move their legs and arms around.

This week, your baby’s skin is transparent, and when you do an ultrasound, you will be able to see their skeleton and blood vessels through the skin. Your baby’s skin is also covered in fuzzy and soft hair called Lanugo. This is to help your baby remain warm while growing inside of you. As the weeks pass by, your baby will acquire enough fat to keep them warm, and so they will not need the hair again, therefore the hair will fall off.

Between this week and the next two or three weeks (weeks fifteen to eighteen) is the time for you to start carrying out some important tests on your baby. These tests, such as amniocentesis and non-invasive blood tests, are carried out to detect abnormalities such as Down syndrome in your baby.

How big is my baby at week 15?

This week, your baby weighs about 70 gram and measures about 3.93 inches in length, about 11 centimeters in height. More practically, your baby is the size of an apple this week. Their legs have now grown longer than their arms, and their total height has increased since the past week.


WEEK 15:

Your baby is about the size of an apple







From head to heel


WEEK 15:

Your baby is about the size of an apple







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 15

At fifteen weeks, you are now looking more pregnant than you were in the previous weeks. Your pregnancy records will mostly determine the size of your belly in the fifteenth week. Because if your abdominal muscles have not been strained previously, developing a suitable baby bump may take longer if this is your first pregnancy.

However, if this is not your first time, the abdominal muscles will be more relaxed, and you will have a baby bump at fifteen weeks. Remember that each person’s bump can also differ because of different body systems and weight.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 15 weeks pregnant, you have about 25 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 15?

Many of those worrisome early pregnancy symptoms have subsided by this week. However, now that you can open your mouth without throwing up, it’s time to pay attention to your mouth, also undergoing some pregnancy-induced changes.

When you brush or floss, you may notice that your gums are red and swollen or prone to bleeding; pregnancy hormones are at work, causing gum disease (gingivitis) due to an infection or inflammation of the gums by making them react to the bacteria in plaque. In addition, you may find a slight bulge on your gums, a pregnancy tumour. Before getting concerned, understand that these noncancerous growths are harmless and painless. It should go away after the baby is born if you get one.
Gingivitis can be severe, leading to preterm labour when bacteria enter the bloodstream and target the fetus.

Regular dental care, brushing at least twice a day, and gentle flossing once a day will help to reduce gum swelling, bleeding, and soreness.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 15

It is no secret that the second trimester is generally easier than the first. You will have less nausea, more appetite, and more energy. Still, the second trimester comes with symptoms of its own as well. One of these is heartburn and indigestion. Since your pelvis is growing, it can press down on other organs in your system, which can then cause heartburn. You may also feel faint or dizzy occasionally.

This week, and maybe for a few to come, you may get swollen and bleeding gums. You will also get colds and a stuffy nose; there might also be nosebleeds. The pains that started in the side of your belly a few weeks ago have not stopped yet, and they may get worse when you stand. If you put your feet up and rest, it might relieve the pain. 

Your skin may become irritated. Use a non-fragranced moisturizer, wear loose cotton clothes, and take a cold bath. Consult your doctor if the itching becomes unbearable, especially at night. You might also become forgetful during this period. However, it is normal, and there is nothing to worry about, make lists and paste them around your house to help you remember things.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 15

It is no secret that the second trimester is generally easier than the first. You will have less nausea, more appetite, and more energy. Still, the second trimester comes with symptoms of its own as well. One of these is heartburn and indigestion. Since your pelvis is growing, it can press down on other organs in your system, which can then cause heartburn. You may also feel faint or dizzy occasionally.

This week, and maybe for a few to come, you may get swollen and bleeding gums. You will also get colds and a stuffy nose; there might also be nosebleeds. The pains that started in the side of your belly a few weeks ago have not stopped yet, and they may get worse when you stand. If you put your feet up and rest, it might relieve the pain. 

Your skin may become irritated. Use a non-fragranced moisturizer, wear loose cotton clothes, and take a cold bath. Consult your doctor if the itching becomes unbearable, especially at night. You might also become forgetful during this period. However, it is normal, and there is nothing to worry about, make lists and paste them around your house to help you remember things.

Health tips for week 15

Order pregnancy badge

Very important; if you take public transportation, you should consider ordering a badge (if it is applicable in your residence area) to encourage other passengers to give up their seats for you. You may feel good right now, but you will become more unsteady on your feet as you gain weight, and falling can be distressing and even hazardous.

Use a soft toothbrush and Maintain good hygiene

Use a soft toothbrush and brush your teeth at least twice a day to maintain your swollen and bleeding gums. Also, see your dentist for more tips to keep the discomfort at bay.

Perform moderate exercise

Moderate exercise will help prevent unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. It will also help improve your mood when you’re down.

Have enough rest

Even though this week is energetic and you will want to get done as many things as you can, you should still try to rest. Take naps, or you can just kick your feet up and do nothing for a while. Resting will help with your headaches and other body pains. When sleeping, you should also try not to sleep on your back but your left side instead, as this will help with blood circulation.

Warnings for your week 15 of pregnancy

Thrust: Thrush is a common yeast infection with symptoms such as itching in the vagina, stinging when urinating or having sex, and lumpy white discharges. If you have thrush, see your doctor, and abstain from sex until it’s gone. However, thrush can be prevented by wearing loose underwear made of cotton and non-fragranced body wash.

Miscarriage: Watch out for feelings of abdominal pain and bleeding. They may indicate a miscarriage. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience any of this.

Urinary Tract Infection: Fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning sensation while urinating, and pelvic pain are symptoms. Speak with your Ob-Gyn or midwife if you experience any of these. Your obstetrician will give you some baby-safe antibiotics to use.

Chronic Illnesses: Pregnancy can worsen chronic conditions. Conditions like hypertension and diabetes can cause a lot of harm to you and your baby. Take all prescribed medication and exercise regularly. Also, regularly check your blood pressure or blood sugar level.