Your Pregnancy At Week-35

Written by Jumoke

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The time for your baby to arrive is drawing ever closer. At week thirty-five, you are in the eighth month of your pregnancy, and you have five weeks or one month to end the journey.

Your little one is almost ready to meet you for the first time. The most of the development is complete and functioning. Now, the baby is making the last preparation for life in the outside world. 

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Most of your baby’s growth at this point is fat. His shoulders in particular are padding up in preparation.

Your baby’s movements have changed from punches and kicks to rolls and wiggles as there is less space in your uterus.

This week, almost all babies are facing down towards the cervix, ready for their exit.

Take a Peek

Most of your baby’s growth at this point is fat. His shoulders in particular are padding up in preparation.

Your baby’s movements have changed from punches and kicks to rolls and wiggles as there is less space in your uterus.

This week, almost all babies are facing down towards the cervix, ready for their exit.

How is my baby developing at week 35?

At this point, the baby’s vital organs are either fully functional or about to get there. The liver is working now and can process waste products. The kidney has also developed and is now capable of producing sterile urine. The urine joins the rest of the amniotic fluid. The circulatory system and musculoskeletal system have developed fully.

At this point, the baby’s vital organs are either fully functional or about to get there. The liver is working now and can process waste products. The kidney has also developed and is now capable of producing sterile urine. The urine joins the rest of the amniotic fluid. The circulatory system and musculoskeletal system have developed fully.

This week, your baby is still producing surfactant, the substance made by the lungs that help your baby breathe in the air after labour. By the end of week 37, your baby would have produced enough surfactant to keep their airways(alveoli) open, and they would be able to breathe properly. At this point, they would be considered full-term.

Delivery this week is still risky and premature; they are prone to digestive issues, breathing complications, and hospitalization. But even then, the chances of long-term survival are good.

The baby spends most of the time practising sucking. They will be eating through breastfeeding soon, so the baby uses the thumb to develop the sucking reflex. Your baby is probably in the head-down position this week, preparing for an exit. You may experience sore ribs as they may be kicking upward. The good thing is that baby’s head-down puts less pressure on your diaphragm and can make breathing easier.

How big is my baby at week 35?

The baby weighs about 2383 and continues a steady weight gain. They are now 18.66 inches in length and will likely not acquire any more height until delivery. This week your baby can be compared to the size of a honeydew melon.


WEEK 35:

Your baby is about the size of a honeydew melon







From head to heel


WEEK 35:

Your baby is about the size of a honeydew melon







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 35

Now, your womb is about 6 inches above your belly button. At this stage, you must have gained 24–29 pounds.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 35 weeks pregnant, you have 5 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 33?

Frequent urination is another indicator of how far along you are in your pregnancy. Yes, it’s first-trimester frequent urination all over again, but this time the cause isn’t pregnancy hormones but the position of your baby’s head.

Your baby’s head is pressing squarely on your bladder now that she is head-down in preparation for delivery. As a result, you will feel a constant need to pee. If that weren’t enough, you might also feel a sense of urgency to visit the restroom or lose bladder control when you sneeze, cough, or even laugh.

Don’t cut back on fluids under any circumstances. Instead, empty your bladder by leaning forward, also wear panty liner if necessary, and do your kegel exercises as this strengthens the pelvic muscles and prevents most pregnancy-induced incontinence cases.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 35

These are irregular, unpredictable, and do not increase in intensity or duration. Triggers are dehydration, increased activity, a full bladder, or sex. They are unlike real contractions, which increase in magnitude over time. Use these contractions to practice labor breathing exercises and prepare for childbirth.

The baby’s position puts them right under the rib cage. The ribs thus begin to feel anxiety, especially when the baby moves the legs there. It causes sore ribs and also induces heartburn.

One new symptom that would emerge is nesting. Nesting is an urge to get the house ready for the baby’s arrival. Nesting could be through cleaning, structural adjustments, and buying new items or materials for the baby. It does not occur in all pregnant women, but it can leave one tired. To avoid this, try getting someone to handle the cleaning process.

These may include varicose veins, constipation, increased clumsiness, pregnancy brain, frequent urination, leaky breasts, bleeding gums, and hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 35

These are irregular, unpredictable, and do not increase in intensity or duration. Triggers are dehydration, increased activity, a full bladder, or sex. They are unlike real contractions, which increase in magnitude over time. Use these contractions to practice labor breathing exercises and prepare for childbirth.


The baby’s position puts them right under the rib cage. The ribs thus begin to feel anxiety, especially when the baby moves the legs there. It causes sore ribs and also induces heartburn.


One new symptom that would emerge is nesting. Nesting is an urge to get the house ready for the baby’s arrival. Nesting could be through cleaning, structural adjustments, and buying new items or materials for the baby. It does not occur in all pregnant women, but it can leave one tired. To avoid this, try getting someone to handle the cleaning process.

These may include varicose veins, constipation, increased clumsiness, pregnancy brain, frequent urination, leaky breasts, bleeding gums, and hemorrhoids.

Health tips for week 35

Eat healthily

Try to pay attention to your diet this week and ensure it is healthy. If possible, reduce your meal size to help alleviate pregnancy symptoms like bloating. Eating more salads would prevent constipation as they contain fibre. Also, take in more vitamin C to control bleeding gums.

Limit water volume before bed

Frequent trips to the bathroom are already common this week and taking too much water immediately before bed might be unpleasant. You can limit the volume of water you drink for an hour or two before going to bed.

Take time to relax

A newborn baby is going to change your life forever. You will make changes, adjustments, and commitments to make life comfortable for the baby and give them the best start possible. But before then, why don’t you pamper yourself?

Take time to relax and to enjoy yourself. Whether it be by enjoying a date with your partner, paying attention to the little things that make you happy, even if it is sleeping, immerse yourself in it. Go on leisure to remember the simplicity of life. By now, you should be on maternity leave. Also, practice gratitude; a little one is coming to be with the best mother. What a privilege for the baby.

Warnings for your week 35 of pregnancy

 Illness: You might have to contact your doctor if you have a high fever, pain when urinating, or vision changes.

Signs of labor:  You should visit your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following blindspots: regular and painful contractions, or broken waters. Also, learn about the stages of labor in preparation.