Hurray! You are now 32 weeks pregnant. By now, your baby has gained a lot of weight and has almost finished developing its organs for life outside the womb. Your baby should be around the size of a Jicama.
Your baby inhales amniotic fluid to practise how to use their lungs.
Apart from the lungs, all of your baby’s major organs are fully developed. However, if your baby arrives this week, they would probably be fine.
This week, your little one’s skin has become opaque rather than transparent.
Your baby inhales amniotic fluid to practise how to use their lungs.
Apart from the lungs, all of your baby’s major organs are fully developed. However, if your baby arrives this week, they would probably be fine.
This week, your little one’s skin has become opaque rather than transparent.
This week, your baby will start practicing some essential activities for its survival outside the womb, they are practicing breathing, swallowing, licking, and sucking, and in preparation for feeding outside the womb, their digestive system is still developing. Even if you were to give birth this week, your baby still has a high chance of survival.
Your baby’s internal organs should be fully developed and ready for the outside world. Except for the lungs, which are yet to be fully matured but your baby is still using them to inhale amniotic fluid to practice breathing for the outside world, apart from the lungs that are still developing, the remaining organs should be good to go.
Most babies at this stage turn upside down in the uterus. This is the unique position a baby about to be born should face. If your baby has not turned yet, there is no need to worry because most babies turn later on during the pregnancy period. But it is wise to monitor your baby’s position at this stage. With an ultrasound check-up, you should be able to see a bit of hair building up on your baby’s head. Their fingernails and toenails are becoming much longer as well.
By now, your baby is also more sensitive to the noise around it. When exposed to sudden noise, your baby may startle in response to the noise. It will move its hands and legs away from its curled-up position, then move them back; this action stops a few months after birth.
At week thirty two, your baby is about 16.69 inches in length. This roughly equals the size of a jicama and weighs about 1702 grams.Â
At 32 weeks pregnant your belly should measure about 30 to 34 centimeters from the top of your uterus to the pelvic bone. If you’re 32 weeks pregnant with a set of twin, you’re obviously going to feel more weighed down than other 32 weeks pregnant women.
At 32 weeks pregnant, you have 8 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.
At week 32, your uterus may begin to prepare by flexing its muscles. If you feel your uterus is tightening frequently, these are Braxton Hicks contractions (also known as False Contractions). Â
These occurrences serve as a warm-up for “real labor” and are usually felt earlier and with higher intensity in women who have previously been pregnant. But, many new moms-to-be do not notice them.
How do you identify these false contractions? They’ll stop if you move or change position, so try to get up and walk around when you feel them. If they are true labor contractions, they will become stronger and more frequent and in that case, contact your doctor or midwife. For the time being, when they’re just practicing kindness, take a warm bath or get a massage to relieve the discomfort.
Since your baby has become quite big, your uterus will become cramped for the baby. Therefore strong kicks will be less expected than usual because of the lack of space for your baby to move freely. Instead, you will feel more tapping and wiggling.
At this stage, you may likely start experiencing some difficulty in breathing, or shortness of breath, due to the increase in the size of your baby in your uterus, hence, occupying much space and putting pressure on your lungs.
You may start experiencing some contractions. These are non-labor contractions known as the Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s your body flexing your muscles in preparation for the final day of your pregnancy journey. If you feel your uterus tightening or hardening frequently, it is a sign of contraction. Some women may think it is preterm labour, but it is not, and you can easily notice the difference between the two.
Braxton Hicks contractions can show up irregularly and usually last for about 30 seconds to 2 mins, they tend to stop when you change position. Preterm labour contractions will be regular and it may be accompanied with a mild abdominal cramps and other symptoms.
You will also experience pain in your lower back because of your increasing baby’s weight. There could also be swelling of your ankles, legs, and feet because of the extra fluid in your body. If the pain and swelling persist or become unbearable, you should consult your doctor.
Heartburn or acid reflux is also a common occurrence as the pregnancy elapses. And it will continue to persist as the pregnancy reaches maturity. This occurs because your digestive system has been slowed down during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, and the baby pressing against your stomach causes the stomach acids to escape to your esophagus leading to heartburn.
Due to the increase in the baby’s size, you may experience stretch marks or skin irritation around your abdomen. You should not worry too much about it as it’s a regular pregnancy occurrence. Applying some lotion or thick cream can reduce the discomfort and itching.
Leaky breasts start occurring in the second trimester and become more frequent in the third trimester. A creamy liquid called the colostrum, which is thicker than breast milk, may start to leak from the breasts before your baby arrives or shortly after you deliver. To prevent your clothes from getting stained, consider getting some nursing pads.Â
At this stage, you may likely start experiencing some difficulty in breathing, or shortness of breath, due to the increase in the size of your baby in your uterus, hence, occupying much space and putting pressure on your lungs.
You may start experiencing some contractions. These are non-labor contractions known as the Braxton Hicks contractions. It’s your body flexing your muscles in preparation for the final day of your pregnancy journey. If you feel your uterus tightening or hardening frequently, it is a sign of contraction. Some women may think it is preterm labour, but it is not, and you can easily notice the difference between the two.
Braxton Hicks contractions can show up irregularly and usually last for about 30 seconds to 2 mins, they tend to stop when you change position. Preterm labour contractions will be regular and it may be accompanied with a mild abdominal cramps and other symptoms.
You will also experience pain in your lower back because of your increasing baby’s weight. There could also be swelling of your ankles, legs, and feet because of the extra fluid in your body. If the pain and swelling persist or become unbearable, you should consult your doctor.
Heartburn or acid reflux is also a common occurrence as the pregnancy elapses. And it will continue to persist as the pregnancy reaches maturity. This occurs because your digestive system has been slowed down during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, and the baby pressing against your stomach causes the stomach acids to escape to your esophagus leading to heartburn.
Due to the increase in the baby’s size, you may experience stretch marks or skin irritation around your abdomen. You should not worry too much about it as it’s a regular pregnancy occurrence. Applying some lotion or thick cream can reduce the discomfort and itching.
Leaky breasts start occurring in the second trimester and become more frequent in the third trimester. A creamy liquid called the colostrum, which is thicker than breast milk, may start to leak from the breasts before your baby arrives or shortly after you deliver. To prevent your clothes from getting stained, consider getting some nursing pads.
It is advisable not to overfeed yourself because you are aware that it is already a bit hard to breathe, so you are supposed to eat frequently but in lower or small quantities and make sure you are getting all your required nutrition out of the foods you eat.Â
You are supposed to do light stretches to relieve stress or pressure on your body; you should also engage in walking or slight strolls to reduce the swelling and back pains.
You should moisturize as often as possible to soothe itches and reduce the chances of stretch marks.Â
Don’t stress over body changes: Try not to obsess about stretch marks, weight gain or other body changes you may find unpleasant. It’s estimated that up to 90 percent of women get them and they will fade off with time.
Early labor signs: If you are a first-time mum, you should learn the early signs of labor and head to your doctor or caregiver at the show of any of the signs.
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