Your Pregnancy At Week-30

Written by Jumoke

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At thirty weeks pregnant, you are seven months gone. Surely you are excited at this point and you have just 10 more weeks or two months till you finally meet your baby.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Your little one’s hands are now fully developed, and the fingernails are growing. You may notice the baby grabbing a foot during ultrasounds.

The surface of your baby’s brain starts to wrinkle; these wrinkles are known as convolutions, which occur in order to accommodate more brain cells.

Your baby’s space is getting tighter as he grows, and you’ll continue to feel movement each day. Don’t forget that those kicks count!

Take a Peek

Your little one’s hands are fully developed, and the fingernails are growing. You may notice the baby grabbing a foot during ultrasounds.

The surface of your baby’s brain starts to wrinkle; these wrinkles are known as convolutions, which occur in order to accommodate more brain cells.

Your baby’s space is getting tighter as he grows, and you’ll continue to feel movement each day. Don’t forget that those kicks count!

How is my baby developing at week 30?

In week 30, your baby is going to be gaining about half a pound every week. Your baby’s brain is also rapidly developing, causing the smooth surface to develop wrinkles to accommodate more brain cells. So, over the next 10 weeks, your baby’s brain will triple in weight. If you count from about 24 to 40 weeks, the brain’s surface area will increase by thirty times.

At this time in your pregnancy, your baby’s bone marrow begins production of red blood cells and this means your baby can now better thrive on their own when they are born.

Earlier in the first trimester, your baby develops fine hair on their skin called “lanugo. This helps to keep them warm, but now that your baby has developed more fat cells, that lanugo will start to go away. 

Even at birth, they might still have some of the lanugo on their bodies, usually on their backs or shoulders, especially if they’re born a little early, but over your baby’s first few weeks, the remaining lanugo will fade out.

How big is my baby at week 30?

It’s week 30, and your baby is getting bigger every day. Your baby is the size of a large cabbage. They weigh about 15.71 inches from crown to heel. They are very active and are kicking more than before.


WEEK 30:

Your baby is about the size of a large cabbage







From head to heel


WEEK 30:

Your baby is about the size of a large cabbage







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 30

At this stage you may notice a much-rounded belly. Now, most OBS want to start seeing you every two weeks. Why is that? They want you to come in more often with an appointment to check your weight and to make sure it is on track. They want to see a gradual weight increase, and by monitoring it, they can tell you if you are gaining too much or not enough weight.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 30 weeks pregnant, you have 10 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 30?

This week you will notice most of the early pregnancy symptoms you thought you had overcome, such as fatigue, frequent urination, tender breasts that are getting prepared for milk production, and heartburn, might be returning to haunt you, at least to an extent.

However, you could be one of the lucky women who is still feeling pretty okay. But, remember that this is all normal, and everybody is different!

As your due date also gets closer,  it is normal to be feeling stressed or anxious, and at this stage, it’s super important to take care of your mind, body, and soul. 

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 30

You might start to notice your skin getting darker because of increased pregnancy hormones. The most common places to see this are freckles, moles, nipples, or areola in between your thighs, and even your genitalia. If you experience this, do not panic as the darker shade will fade off with time after childbirth.

About 50–90% of women get stretch marks during their pregnancies, especially towards the 30th week. They are very common and usually develop late in the second trimester or at the beginning of the third trimester. Unfortunately, you cannot do much about your stretch marks if you get them, just make sure to moisturize them often to reduce the effects. 

At 30 weeks, you may feel exhausted in the coming days, and finding a comfortable sleeping position will become more difficult. You should experiment with different sleeping positions to help you sleep more soundly.

Occasionally, some women experience changes in the size or structure of their feet. You could reduce the swelling by slightly massaging your feet or taking a few daily walks.

You may have frequent bouts of mood swings too. Try to meditate or take a walk in the park to lift your mood, and make sure you have a support group you can always go to when you do not feel at your greatest.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 30

You might notice darkening skin changes because of increased pregnancy hormones. The most common places to see this; are freckles, moles, nipples, or areola in between your thighs, and even your genitalia can become darker.

About 50–90% of women get stretch marks during their pregnancies, especially in the 30th week. They are very common and usually develop late in the second trimester or at the beginning of the third trimester. Unfortunately, you cannot do much about your stretch marks if you get them.

At 30 weeks, you may feel exhausted in the coming days, and finding a comfortable sleeping position will become more difficult. 

Occasionally, some women experience changes in the size or structure of their feet. You could reduce the swelling by slightly massaging your feet or taking a few daily walks.

You may have frequent bouts of mood swings too. Try to meditate or take a walk in the park to lift your mood, and make sure you have a support group you can always go to when you do not feel at your greatest.

Health tips for week 30

Eat healthily

At this stage, try to eat vitamin c rich meals and drink plenty of water. Also, try to increase your intake of whole grains, and choose high-fiber unrefined options, like brown rice and grain bread. These less refined whole grains contain more iron, which is another great advantage of taking them at this stage.

Drinking enough water

Drinking enough water will help with the issue of constipation and bloating. It also keeps you hydrated.

Perform moderate exercise

Moderate exercise will help prevent unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. It also helps improve your mood when you’re down.

Adequate nap

Make taking naps a hobby at this stage to improve your day-day productivity. Consider taking a short nap in the morning or during the day to improve your energy.

Warnings for your week 30 of pregnancy

Excessive bending: Avoid bending over or lying down immediately after meals, and always try to take a short walk after eating.

Bad sitting or sleeping posture: At this stage, you should totally avoid sleeping on your tummy or your back and always maintain a good sitting posture to avoid swells.Â