Your Pregnancy At Week-29

Written by Jumoke

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At the 29th week of your pregnancy, your baby continues to gain weight with added fat and muscle. They are also strengthening their little bones which may make you extra tired. when this happens, you don’t need to panic. All you have to do is increase your iron and calcium intake.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Your baby’s hiccuping is still going on. However, they feel like soft, rhythmic taps to you and aren’t unbearable for the baby either.

This week, your baby may start to smile, especially while sleeping.

Your womb is getting cramped as your cutie grows, so those hard kicks will feel more like jabs.

Take a Peek

Your baby’s hiccuping is still going on. However, they feel like soft, rhythmic taps to you and aren’t unbearable for the baby either.

This week, your baby may start to smile, especially while sleeping.

Your womb is getting cramped as your cutie grows, so those hard kicks will feel more like jabs.

How is my baby developing at week 29?

Your baby now weighs more or equal to three pounds and many rapid changes occur in the baby’s facial features and expressions too. From now on, your baby will continue to gradually add more muscle and fat.

During this period, your little one will increase their intake of calcium as their bones get harder and stronger. The fat increase also makes the baby’s wrinkled skin smooth out.

You’ll largely now feel your baby’s  elbows and knees punching and poking you because there isn’t much room in your baby’s present home.

Now, your baby is much stronger and more enthusiastically responding to all kinds of stimuli, including movement, music, light, and that candy bar you ate 30 minutes ago, so they will be more active and less erratic than previously.

How big is my baby at week 29?

Your baby is now the size of butternut squash. They now weigh around 1153 grams. When a snugly fit baby is measured from head to toe, its length is about 15.2 inches.


WEEK 29:

Your baby is about the size of a butternut squash







From head to heel


WEEK 29:

Your baby is about the size of a butternut squash







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 29

At this stage, your baby is growing at a considerably fast rate. This makes your uterus more and more enlarged. You should now have a more pronounced baby bump.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 29 weeks pregnant, you have 11 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 29?

Your body is sure to experience both internal and external changes too. You would experience a bit more strain on your body frame. This is because your baby is much bigger and more active. The activities of your growing baby could also affect your digestive system. This could result in heartburn and indigestion. So you should anticipate these changes.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 29

Constipation is one of the symptoms to expect this week. Abdominal pain, gas, and passing of firm stools are all part of this painful illness. Always take in enough liquids when you first feel the need. 

While it may be tempting to take a laxative to ease your symptoms, consult your doctor before using any medicine during pregnancy. An over-the-counter medication can be suggested by your doctor.

Backaches are not uncommon in the third trimester of pregnancy. As your belly expands, the frame of your body gets into positions not used to. 

Backaches are more frequent when climbing the stairs, alighting from vehicles, and other physical activities. You should help yourself by considering comfortable and low-heeled footwear. 

This is due to the hormones progesterone and relaxin. They both weaken the muscular gateway between your stomach and your esophagus causing heartburn.  Avoid eating too much or eating too close to bedtime if heartburn keeps you up at night. Additionally, avoid consuming coffee or chocolate in the evening because they will interfere with your ability to go asleep.

Other symptoms this week could include shortness of breath, passing hard stools, abdominal pain and frequent urination, increased discharges from the vagina, greasy/oily skin, insomnia, migraines and fast-growing nails.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 29

Constipation is one of the symptoms to expect this week. Abdominal pain, gas, and passing of firm stools are all part of this painful illness. Always take in enough liquids when you first feel the need. 

While it may be tempting to take a laxative to ease your symptoms, consult your doctor before using any medicine during pregnancy. An over-the-counter medication can be suggested by your doctor.

Backaches are not uncommon in the third trimester of pregnancy. As your belly expands, the frame of your body gets into positions not used to. 

Backaches are more frequent when climbing the stairs, alighting from vehicles, and other physical activities. You should help yourself by considering comfortable and low-heeled footwear. 

This is due to the hormones progesterone and relaxin. They both weaken the muscular gateway between your stomach and your esophagus causing heartburn.  Avoid eating too much or eating too close to bedtime if heartburn keeps you up at night. Additionally, avoid consuming coffee or chocolate in the evening because they will interfere with your ability to go asleep.

Other symptoms this week  could include shortness of breath, passing hard stools, abdominal pain and frequent urination, increased discharges from the vagina, greasy/oily skin, insomnia, migraines and fast-growing nails.

Health tips for week 29

Eat healthily

This week, try as much to get enough sleep and rest, eat nutritiously, drink plenty of water and make sure to continue with kegel exercise, increase your calcium intake and pay attention to your body in general. 

Maintain good personal hygeine

You should also uphold the habit of regular hand washing. This is because your body and the unborn baby are susceptible to germs at this stage. 

Take essential vaccines

Your third trimester of pregnancy isn’t when you should let your health guard down. You should keep up the great job of ensuring a healthy body. During this week, your T-Dap vaccine is essential. So you should see your medical personnel to get this. T-Dap refers to Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis vaccines that would help boost your little jewel’s defences against diseases.

Warnings for your week 29 of pregnancy

Baby’s position: During your third trimester of pregnancy, you should pay regular visits to the hospital. You should also go for an ultrasound scan to help you see how well your baby is developing this week. This is also to help you confirm if your baby is in the right position. Please note that Some babies take longer than others to fall into position. 

Blood iron level: Regular blood and antibody tests are also advisable. If your blood iron levels are low, you can eat a lot of food rich in iron.

Baby’s kick: Make sure you equally form the habit of counting your baby’s kicks everyday to ensure all is okay inside you. Best way in doing that is by lying down since the baby perks up when mum is relaxing, count all the movement even switches or rolls until you hit ten.