Your Pregnancy At Week-27

Written by Jumoke

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You are now in the first week of your third trimester. This is a turning point for both you and the baby, also the beginning of the final stage of your pregnancy. As your baby starts to gain more weight, you and the baby will start to experience different changes.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Due to all of the kicking, rolling, and punching he’s doing, your little one has begun to develop muscle tone.

Although your little one can hear you, be aware that it is muffled because the vernix caseosa, the greasy cheese-like protective coating on the skin, is still covering the ears.

It could be hiccups if you have unusual belly movements. The possibility of hiccups rises as the baby’s lungs continue to develop.

Take a Peek

Due to all of the kicking, rolling, and punching he’s doing, your little one has begun to develop muscle tone.

Although your little one can hear you, be aware that it is muffled because the vernix caseosa, the greasy cheese-like protective coating on the skin, is still covering the ears.

It could be hiccups if you have unusual belly movements. The possibility of hiccups rises as the baby’s lungs continue to develop.

How is my baby developing at week 27?

At week 27, your baby will start to undergo different changes. Now, you should take note of your baby’s movement routine. You may have already noticed your baby moving frequently, but some babies move around more at night than they do during the day. If your baby moves around more at night, it is advisable to take short naps in the daytime while your baby’s movements have decreased, because trying to sleep at night while your baby is more active can prove to be very uncomfortable.

As your baby gets bigger, it starts to respond frequently to different sensations around you. Your baby may start kicking more when you consume hot or cold substances into your body because their brain has begun to develop to the extent of feeling different sensations around it, especially sound and temperature differences.

Your baby also starts to develop its ears, and now learning to distinguish between your voice and the voice of your partner.

Your baby’s eyelids which were closed shut can now open and close as the baby’s retina start to develop. You will see that the baby would respond either with a kick or wiggle when a flashlight is being pointed to your belly.

From time to time, you will feel your baby’s hiccups, this happens as the baby’s lungs continue to develop. The baby inhales and exhales amniotic fluid, so the hiccups are pretty normal. It only lasts for a short, consistent period of time and go away on their own. but if your baby has three or more series of hiccups in a day, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

How big is my baby at week 27?

Your baby starts to gain more muscles due to the kicking, rolling, and punching skills he has acquired so far. Your baby now weighs around 875 grams and measures around 14.41 inches in length. They can now be compared to the size of a cauliflower.


WEEK 27:

Your baby is about the size of a large cauliflower







From head to heel


WEEK 27:

Your baby is about the size of a large cauliflower







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 27

At this stage, your baby is growing at a considerably faster rate. This makes your uterus more and more enlarged. And your fundal height is expected to be about 27 centimeter. 

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 27 weeks pregnant, you have 13 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 27?

During this week, your body is susceptible to heat rash – those itchy, red patches caused by overheating, perspiration, and skin friction. These unwelcome patches often pop up beneath the breasts, where the lower abdomen meets the pubic area, and on the inner thighs. Find relief with a cool compress or a dab of calamine lotion. Should the irritation persist, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your physician.

About 75% of expectant mothers may notice mild swelling, particularly in the feet, ankles, and hands. This condition, known as edema, is a result of increased blood flow and uterine pressure. While this is generally normal, excessive swelling should be discussed with your physician to rule out preeclampsia. To ease discomfort, consider removing tight accessories, engaging in pregnancy-friendly exercises, and keeping your feet elevated.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 27

You will also likely experience swelling on your feet, ankles, and hands at this stage. Still, it is advisable to move around a bit more, stop wearing the heels, and remove your rings if it feels tight. If the swelling persists, you should see your doctor because it could be a sign of preeclampsia.

The constant fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone will cause mood swings. Mood swings experienced during pregnancy are similar to that of premenstrual syndrome.

You will also experience an excessive appetite for food because, at this stage, the baby’s growth increases rapidly, so a lot is nutrition is needed for that growth to occur. So it is advisable to eat well during this period.

Heat rashes are common symptoms during this period, mostly between and beneath the breasts. In most cases, rubbing some lotion can ease the irritation, but if it persists for more than a couple of days, you should visit your medical practitioner.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 27

You will also likely experience swelling on your feet, ankles, and hands at this stage. Still, it is advisable to move around a bit more, stop wearing the heels, and remove your rings if it feels tight. If the swelling persists, you should see your doctor because it could be a sign of preeclampsia.

The constant fluctuations in the level of estrogen and progesterone will cause mood swings. Mood swings experienced during pregnancy are similar to that of premenstrual syndrome.

You will also experience an excessive appetite for food because, at this stage, the baby’s growth increases rapidly, so a lot is nutrition is needed for that growth to occur. So it is advisable to eat well during this period.

Heat rashes are common symptoms during this period, mostly between and beneath the breasts. In most cases, rubbing some lotion can ease the irritation, but if it persists for more than a couple of days, you should visit your medical practitioner.

Health tips for week 27

Eat healthily

Ensure you eat healthy foods and limit your intake of junk foods which could hinder the baby’s growth due to the unequal nutritional value junk foods contain. Endeavour to eat many nutritious foods such as veggies for the essential vitamins the baby needs for proper growth. Try yoghurt, cottage cheese, smoothies, and milk drinks to provide calcium for strong bone development.

Drinking enough water

Drinking enough water will help with the issue of constipation and bloating. It also keeps you hydrated.

Perform moderate exercise

Ensure you eat healthy foods and limit your intake of junk foods which could hinder the baby’s growth due to the unequal nutritional value junk foods contain. Endeavour to eat many nutritious foods such as veggies for the essential vitamins the baby needs for proper growth. Try yoghurt, cottage cheese, smoothies, and milk drinks to provide calcium for strong bone development.

Keep your appointments

Even if you are well, you must attend all your appointments and scans to ensure good health for you and your baby.

During your pregnancy, you will have several antenatal appointments. Your doctor will check your health and your baby’s health, answer any questions you might have and give you vital information.

Warnings for your week 27 of pregnancy

Sleeping posture: As a 27-week pregnant mother, you should take note of your sleeping positions so they don’t reduce the effective flow of blood.

Preeclampsia: If you experience extreme swelling in the ankles, fingers, and face, you should visit your doctor as this could be a sign of preeclampsia.

Decreased fetal movement: If you notice a sharp decline in your baby’s movement, call your practitioner.

Vaginal bleeding or a sudden change in vaginal discharge: Watch out for feelings of abdominal pain and bleeding. They may indicate a miscarriage. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience any of these.