Welcome to your twenty-fifth week of pregnancy, you are in your sixth month, with one more week to complete your second trimester. You will be entering your third and final trimester in a few weeks.
Baby fat is on its way! Even though your unborn baby is still thin, he gradually gains weight and loses his wrinkly appearance.
Your little bean’s startle reflexes are now developing. Making certain movements which can startle your baby can scare her hiccups away!
The hair texture may be visible at this stage, if your developing baby has hair.
Baby fat is developing! Even though your unborn child is still thin, he is gradually gaining weight and losing his wrinkly appearance.
Don’t frighten the baby! Your child’s startle reflexes are now maturing.Â
If your growing baby has hair, which not all do, the texture may be visible at this stage.
At week 25, your baby has grown by leaps and bounds, reaching a length of 13 inches. Your baby has gained weight and has transitioned from a long, lean appearance to one with some baby fat. The fat helps smooth out wrinkled skin, making the baby appear more newborn-like.
Your baby also grows more hair, which you can see and distinguish by its color shade and texture when you go for a pelvic scan or ultrasound. This same week, the brain, lungs, and digestive system have all grown but not fully formed. If your baby is born at this time, it may survive in intensive care, but it will be small and frail.
Other elements of the nervous system, in addition to the brain, are still developing. This vital system will help your child learn to understand information from the outside world, digest it, and give an adequate response. Hearing ability at week 25 is developing fast, and your baby may start to respond to familiar sounds like your voice by kicking or shifting to the position of the sound.
Your baby is about the size of a rutabaga in week 25, weighing about 660 grams and measuring 13.62 inches in length. You’re almost into the third trimester and your kid is growing, which also means you’re growing as well as your kid has now occupied ample space in your stomach.
As your baby develops, so will you; your body will gain weight to support your growing child. If you are gaining a pound each week, you are likely to gain more weight during the second and third trimesters if your weight was normal when your pregnancy started and your baby bump is about the size of a soccer ball.
At 25 weeks pregnant, you have 15 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.
This week, over half of all pregnant women have inflamed, itchy veins in the rectum due to the larger uterus pressing down on the area and increased blood flow to the area. While not harmful to your health, hemorrhoids (a type of varicose vein) can be excruciatingly painful and even cause rectal bleeding.
Constipation can worsen them, so your best option for prevention is to drink more fluids and eat more fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Doing pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) and avoiding straining when pooping can also help.
For now, try sitz baths, witch hazel pads, or ice packs to relieve your achy bottom — but keep in mind that they should go away after birth.
This week, first-time pregnant women will start to feel stronger baby kicks. Nasal congestion, leg cramps, heartburn, and eyesight changes are possible symptoms. Other symptoms include a pounding in the chest and itching around the belly button—nothing to worry about.
Because increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in your nose might induce congestion, snoring is extremely common during this week of your pregnancy. However, if your snoring interferes with your sleep, it could indicate sleep apnea, which causes oxygen depletion, so talk to your doctor about it.
While the swollen, itchy veins developing in the rectum due to the larger uterus pressing down and increasing blood flow to that area are not dangerous to your body, hemorrhoids, a type of varicose vein, can be excruciatingly painful and even cause rectal bleeding.
Constipation can aggravate them, so increase your fluid and fibre intake and eat fibre-rich foods like fruits and veggies.
Assume you have pain in your pelvic area. Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is characterized by relaxed and stretched ligaments that ordinarily maintain your pelvic joints or the pubis symphysis aligned. Keep up with your pelvic tit and Kegels, which will develop the muscles in that area; wear a support belt if necessary.
This is another symptom you experience in your 25th week of pregnancy because pregnancy hormones suppress normal daily hair loss. Often, your hair feels more porous, fuller, and healthier. Please take advantage of this moment and bask in the joy of the new growth and development and flaunt it shamelessly; after delivery, most of the hair you didn’t shed during pregnancy may or may not fall out.
This week, first-time pregnant women will start to feel stronger baby kicks. Nasal congestion, leg cramps, heartburn, and eyesight changes are possible symptoms. Other symptoms include a pounding in the chest and itching around the belly button—nothing to worry about.
Because increased blood flow to the mucous membranes in your nose might induce congestion, snoring is extremely common during this week of your pregnancy. However, if your snoring interferes with your sleep, it could indicate sleep apnea, which causes oxygen depletion, so talk to your doctor about it.
While the swollen, itchy veins developing in the rectum due to the larger uterus pressing down and increasing blood flow to that area are not dangerous to your body, hemorrhoids, a type of varicose vein, can be excruciatingly painful and even cause rectal bleeding.
Constipation can aggravate them, so increase your fluid and fibre intake and eat fibre-rich foods like fruits and veggies.
Assume you have pain in your pelvic area. Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is characterized by relaxed and stretched ligaments that ordinarily maintain your pelvic joints or the pubis symphysis aligned. Keep up with your pelvic tit and Kegels, which will develop the muscles in that area; wear a support belt if necessary.
This is another symptom you experience in your 25th week of pregnancy because pregnancy hormones suppress normal daily hair loss. Often, your hair feels more porous, fuller, and healthier. Please take advantage of this moment and bask in the joy of the new growth and development and flaunt it shamelessly; after delivery, most of the hair you didn’t shed during pregnancy may or may not fall out.
If you’re expecting your first child, you’ll probably have a prenatal appointment around 25 weeks. To determine the height of your womb, your midwife or doctor will gently feel your baby bulge with their hands. The midwife or doctor will check your blood pressure, and a urine sample will be taken to check for protein.
Drinking enough water will help with the issue of constipation and bloating. It also keeps you hydrated.
You can keep exercising till your baby comes if you want to. Suppose you’re a runner or do any other high-impact cardiovascular exercise. In that case, you might be able to transition to something less taxing on your joints
You should adhere to all medications prescribed for you by your health care provider. do not discontinue any medication before talking to your doctor. If you have horrible side effects, speak with your obstetrician about this. They may choose to discontinue the medication or ask you to change how you should take them.
Severe cramping, abdominal or pelvic pain: This could be indicative of a deeper illness and may cause your baby not to grow adequately and healthy.
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath: Watch out for feelings of shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing in your week 25. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience any of this.
Burning sensation during urination: Accompanied by fever, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Speak with your Ob-Gyn or midwife if you experience any of these. Your obstetrician will give you some baby-safe antibiotics to use.
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