At the twenty-fourth week, you are in your sixth month and in just a few weeks, you will be entering the third and last trimester. You have three months or about sixteen weeks to go. Your baby has grown more this week, especially in weight.
Your baby’s hearing system(auditory system) is developing rapidly, so if he hears a certain song regularly now, he may identify it and find it comforting when he is born.
Baby still has white eyelashes, brows, and hair that have yet to develop pigment.
Your little one is gaining a lot of weight due to the accumulation of baby fat and the growth of muscles, bones and organs. This fat does more than smooth wrinkles. It also aids in the baby’s ability to retain body heat and regulate temperature.
Your baby’s hearing system(auditory system) is developing rapidly, so if he hears a certain song regularly now, he may identify it and find it comforting when he is born.
Your baby still has white eyelashes, brows, and hair that have yet to develop pigment.
Your little one is gaining a lot of weight due to the accumulation of baby fat and the growth of muscles, organs, and bones. This fat does more than smooth wrinkles. It also aids in the baby’s ability to retain body heat and regulate temperature.
Your baby has entered a fast-growing period since last week, and they have added a bi more weight gain this week. This weight gain is primarily caused by the development of fat in your baby’s body. Fat in your baby’s body helps to even out wrinkles on their skin and maintain body heat and regulate their body temperature. The presence of fat in your baby’s body makes them lose the lanugo, which was previously developed to maintain body heat.
This week, your baby’s lungs have also advanced in growth. They also branch out to allow breathing, but at this stage the lungs are still immature, and this makes breathing difficult for babies born this early. By the time of your baby’s birthday, their lungs will have developed enough for them to breathe outside the womb.
Your baby’s hearing has also improved greatly, and there is a chance your baby will recognize songs and voices they hear while they are in the womb. You should talk to your baby as frequently as you can so that they can get used to your voice. Although your baby’s eyes are still closed, their eyelids have separated from how they used to be before, and your baby now has a definite shape of eyes.Â
As the weeks go by, your baby is getting more and more active in their movements, and you will be able to feel them more. However, it’s quite normal if your kid doesn’t move for a few hours. Because they still have enough room inside the uterus to turn their back to your tummy, you may not notice all of their movements. A baby can hold this position for several hours or perhaps a whole day. You should be alarmed if you don’t feel your baby’s movements over a long time.
Your baby is at a time where all they are doing is growing and growing. Your baby should weigh about 600 grams and measure 11.81 inches in length. They can be compared to an ear of corn. You can expect more growth from your baby and subsequently in yourself.
Your baby bump continues to become pronounced as the week passes. You’ve been feeling baby kicks for at least a few weeks before the time you’re 24 weeks pregnant, but they’re only getting stronger. Your partner or anyone can also feel these kicks when they leave their hand on your baby bump while they wait for that lovely kicks.Â
At 24 weeks pregnant, you have about 16 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.
Almost all pregnant women’s belly button pops at some point as their swelling uterus pushes against everything in its path. After delivery, things should return to normal, though your navel and other parts of your body may appear a little stretched. Consider it another badge of pride that only mothers are privileged to wear.
You might be feeling numbness in your wrist and finger, and this could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  The tingling and numbness you feel in your wrists and fingers are usually associated with work that requires repetitive motion, such as typing. Still, carpal tunnel syndrome affects pregnant women differently, although repetitive motion can undoubtedly contribute. Because of the swelling during pregnancy, fluids accumulate in your lower limbs during the day due to pregnancy swelling. They are redistributed to the rest of your body, including your hands when you lie down, putting strain on the nerve that runs through your wrist.
Avoid sleeping on your hands and prop your arms up with a pillow at night to get relief. Shaking your hands and wrists may also be beneficial. Take frequent hand-stretching breaks if you perform repetitive motions such as typing.
If you’re experiencing a lot of pain, a wrist brace could be just what you need. Fortunately, when the normal swelling of pregnancy stops after delivery, the carpal tunnel symptoms also disappear.
In your sixth months of pregnancy, you may feel a bit uncomfortable due to your baby’s growth in the last few weeks. This growth can cause symptoms such as lower back pain. As this is a result of the weight your heavy tummy puts on your back. Placing a pillow behind you while you sit or sleep will help to relieve the pain.
At this stage of pregnancy, it is also expected to get a bit of swelling in your hands and feet. Swelling is normal, but if you notice that your face is swollen, one hand or leg is more swollen than the other, or the swelling increases drastically overnight, you should contact your doctor. Uneven or drastic swelling could be a sign of preeclampsia. Elevate your legs if you are seated, and also try to walk around to reduce swelling.
Due to your recent and rapid weight gain, it is expected that you have stretch marks. Don’t worry too much about them, as those red and purple marks will fade away as time goes on after your pregnancy. You may also get numb and tingling wrists or red and itchy palms.
It is also common for pregnant women to get uncomfortable and have blurry visions. This can be enhanced if you require extra aid (glasses or contact lenses) to see on a typical day. If you wear contact lenses, you might want to switch to glasses for the period of your pregnancy to reduce the irritation. Using standard over-the-counter eye drops can also help with itchiness.
You may get nasal congestion and nosebleeds, migraines or headaches, dizziness and forgetfulness, constipation, and round ligament pains.
In your sixth month of pregnancy, you may feel a bit uncomfortable due to your baby’s growth in the last few weeks. This growth can cause symptoms such as lower back pain. As this is a result of the weight your heavy tummy puts on your back. Placing a pillow behind you while you sit or sleep will help to relieve the pain.
At this stage of pregnancy, it is also expected to get a bit of swelling in your hands and feet. Swelling is normal, but if you notice that your face is swollen, one hand or leg is more swollen than the other, or the swelling increases drastically overnight, you should contact your doctor. Uneven or drastic swelling could be a sign of preeclampsia. Elevate your legs if you are seated, and also try to walk around to reduce swelling.
Due to your recent and rapid weight gain, it is expected that you have stretch marks. Don’t worry too much about them, as those red and purple marks will fade away as time goes on after your pregnancy. You may also get numb and tingling wrists or red and itchy palms.
It is also common for pregnant women to get irritated and have blurry eyes. This can especially be enhanced if you require extra aid (glasses or contact lenses) to see on a normal day. If you wear contact lenses, you might want to switch to glasses for the period of your pregnancy to reduce the irritation. Using normal over-the-counter eye drops can also help with itchiness.
You may get nasal congestion and nosebleeds, migraines or headaches, dizziness and forgetfulness, constipation, and round ligament pains.
Dehydration can cause tight, achy, or “jumpy” legs, so ensure you’re getting enough water. Stretch your legs frequently and go for walks. Let your doctor know if you’re having leg cramps; they’re probably not a problem, but cramps can sometimes be an indication of something else, like malnourishment, so it’s worth keeping an eye on.
Taking quick showers will help your skin maintain its moisture, especially now when it is likely for your skin to be drier than it used to be. Use warm water and place a humidifier in your room to help your skin further. A humidifier will also help with your stuffy nose.
Before having your baby, you should participate in any exercise which involves training your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises prepare your vaginal and perineal muscles for labor and delivery, as well as reduce the risk of tears.
Before having your baby, you should participate in any exercise which involves training your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises prepare your vaginal and perineal muscles for labor and delivery, as well as reduce the risk of tears.
 Premature Labor: You should watch out for premature labor this week. Contact your doctor if you have unusual discharge, vaginal bleeding, stomach cramping, pelvic pressure, lower back pain, or leaking fluid.
Vaginal leaking of amniotic fluid: A rush of warm fluid or a gradual drip from the vaginal area could indicate amniotic fluid leakage. It will normally be clear and odorless, but traces of blood or mucous may occasionally be present. It’s doubtful that the liquid will cease leaking if it’s amniotic fluid. if you think your are leaking amniotic fluid at any time before your due date, Please call your caregiver.
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