Congratulations! you are now in your sixth month and have only four months or seventeen weeks to go. From this week, your baby will gain weight rapidly, and by the next month, they will have doubled their current weight. Apart from gaining weight, your baby is also growing stronger. By the end of this week, you are preparing for your last trimester.
This week, the placenta, which is the baby’s complete life-support system, transports nutrients and oxygen to the baby while also removing waste products.
Your developing baby’s skin is a little saggy but won’t be for long as the fat starts forming. The skin has a pinkish-red tone(this is true for all skin colours) owing to the developing veins and arteries directly underneath.
Your baby is gaining muscle and becoming stronger. You might even notice punches poking through from the outside!
The placenta, the baby’s completed life-support system, transports nutrients and oxygen to the baby while also removing waste products.
Your developing baby’s skin is a little saggy but won’t be for long as the fat starts forming. The skin has a pinkish-red tone(this is true for all skin colours) owing to the developing veins and arteries directly underneath.
Your baby is gaining muscle and becoming stronger. You might even notice punches poking through from the outside!
Your baby has started to swallow and carry out digestive processes this week. Peristalsis (wave-like movements that drive food along the digestive tract) starts. Swallowing at this point is merely practice for your baby’s system because there is no real food to move.
Due to the developing veins and arteries beneath the skin, the baby’s skin is a little droopy (but won’t be for long as fat begins to form) and has a pinkish-red tinge (this is true in all skin tones). Although your baby’s skin is still translucent, and you can see their bones and organs through the skin right now, once the fat starts to develop, their skin will be less transparent.
At this point, the baby starts forming small nipples. Your adorable 23-week-old fetus’s face is formed and all they need is a bit more fat to fill it out. Babies keep themselves occupied by listening to your voice and heartbeat and can even hear loud sounds like automobiles blaring and dogs barking.
Baby is also learning to breathe and react to what is happening to their body. You may notice that your baby reacts to hot or cold liquids and becomes more active after you eat. You may also notice that while your baby appears to slumber when you walk around, they prefer to begin their gymnastics routine just as you’re about to fall asleep.
This week, your baby has grown much bigger, and not only have they grown bigger, but they are also starting to look like babies because their body is almost fully developed. Your baby weighs 501 grams this week and measures 11.38 inches in length. Your baby can be compared to the size of an aubergine, and from here, they will only get bigger and maybe double their current size in the next month or so.
From the pubic bone to the top of the uterus, a typical 23-week pregnant belly measures roughly 21 to 25 cm. (That’s your baby bump’s fundal height at 23 weeks.) You’ve probably gained 12 to 15 pounds by the time you’re 23 weeks pregnant. This means that you are looking very pregnant, and if you haven’t yet, you should start wearing maternity clothes to feel comfortable.
At 23 weeks pregnant, you have about 17 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.
Although the baby you’re carrying is snugly nestled in your abdomen, you’ve probably noticed that pregnancy affects you from head to toe. Your mind is distorted, this is your brain on progesterone, and your feet are increasing in size. You may also be prone to heat rashes and skin tags.Â
Did you notice a dark line down your belly? It’s known as the “Linea nigra” in Latin. Linea nigra is a common pregnancy sign that runs between your belly button and your pubic area. It may be more visible in darker-skinned women, this is caused by the same pregnancy hormones that cause all your skin discolorations.
Some women, particularly those with darker skin, notice discoloration on their faces, particularly around the nose, forehead, cheeks, and eyes, called MELASMA. These skin changes will go away within a few months after delivery, but you can always use a concealer.
It is normal to get swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy. You can help yourself reduce it by elevating your feet with pillows and drinking lots of water. However, note that sudden or severe swelling is not normal and can signify a pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia. If you get unexpected swelling, then contact your doctor.
During pregnancy, swelling in the wrists can strain nerves, causing carpal tunnel syndrome pain and tingling. Take frequent hand-stretching breaks if you work on a computer or a desk.
It is also normal to be forgetful during pregnancy. It is called pregnancy brain, and the reason for this condition is not precisely known. You can assist yourself in remembering what you need to do by creating a list of essential things and pasting them around your house.
Colostrum, a form of early milk, may begin to seep from your breasts. Breast milk provides your kid with a massive head start by strengthening their immunity and allowing them to battle infections.
Pregnant women at this stage also experience difficulty in sleeping, especially at night. This can be because your baby now has a sleeping schedule that is most likely different from yours, it can also be because you have a lot on your mind, or it could just be because you feel uncomfortable from all the body pain you’re dealing with. You can try placing a pillow in between your folded knees to help you sleep.
It is normal to get swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy. You can help yourself reduce it by elevating your feet with pillows and drinking lots of water. However, note that sudden or severe swelling is not normal and can signify a pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia. If you get unexpected swelling, then contact your doctor.
During pregnancy, swelling in the wrists can strain nerves, causing carpal tunnel syndrome pain and tingling. Take frequent hand-stretching breaks if you work on a computer or a desk.
It is also normal to be forgetful during pregnancy. It is called pregnancy brain, and the reason for this condition is not precisely known. However, you can assist yourself in remembering what you need to do by creating a list of essential things and pasting them around your house.
Colostrum, a form of early milk, may begin to seep from your breasts. Breast milk provides your kid with a massive head start by strengthening their immunity and allowing them to battle infections.
Pregnant women at this stage also experience difficulty in sleeping, especially at night. This can be because your baby now has a sleeping schedule that is most likely different from yours, it can also be because you have a lot on your mind, or it could just be because you feel uncomfortable from all the body pain you’re dealing with. You can try placing a pillow between your folded knees to help you sleep.
When you’re pregnant, it’s critical to obtain enough vitamin D, and the best way to get it is to spend time in the sun. Every day, go outside and spend 5 to 30 minutes in the sun (depending on your skin tone). Just make sure you don’t overdo it and end up with sunburn!
Make sure that you are eating healthy. Regularly having a bottle of water around you at all times is essential to remain hydrated during pregnancy. You can also purchase some pillows to help with your body pain.
Doing this will help prevent unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. It also helps improve your mood when you’re down.
Vaginal bleeding:Â Watch out for feelings of abdominal pain and bleeding. They may indicate a miscarriage. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience any of these.
Urinary Tract Infection: Fever, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning sensation while urinating, and pelvic pain are symptoms. Speak with your Ob-Gyn or midwife if you experience any of these. Your obstetrician will give you some baby-safe antibiotics to use.
Chronic Headache: Pregnancy can worsen chronic conditions. Severe headache can be a symptom of an underlying illness. Take all prescribed medication and exercise regularly. Also, regularly checking your blood pressure or blood sugar level is important.
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