Written by mindsmaking

At your twenty-second week of pregnancy, you are already in your fifth month and have only four months or eighteen weeks to go. Your baby is growing bigger and bigger, and in a short while, they would have grown big enough to join you in the world. This week, your baby can be compared to the size of a papaya.
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At your twenty-second week of pregnancy, you are already in your fifth month and have only four months or eighteen weeks to go. Your baby is growing bigger and bigger, and in a short while, they would have grown big enough to join you in the world. This week, your baby can be compared to the size of a papaya.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

Although your baby’s eyelids are still shut but gradually opening, he can now perceive light and dark. Examine your tummy with a flashlight to see if your little one moves.

The baby’s nervous system is perfecting the five senses, which means those tiny fingers are learning to grasp that little nose, ears, and umbilical cord.

Little one’s ears start to hear, and process sounds within your body, such as breathing, heartbeat and a rumbling tummy.

Take a Peek

Although your baby’s eyelids are still shut but gradually opening, he can now perceive light and dark. Examine your tummy with a flashlight to see if your little one moves.

The baby’s nervous system is perfecting the five senses, which means those tiny fingers are learning to grasp that little nose, ears, and umbilical cord.

Little one’s ears start to hear, and process sounds within your body, such as breathing, heartbeat and a rumbling tummy.

How is my baby developing at week 22?

This is the time to start watching what you say. You don’t want to get your baby familiar with bad words while they prepare to meet you . Although your baby’s eyes are still closed, they will react and will be able to sense light from outside the womb. This means that if you point a flashlight at your belly, you will feel your baby react. Your baby’s tear ducts are also developing.

This week, your baby’s arms can now move around independently, and it is now able to grab things in the womb, such as the placenta and their ears and other parts of their body. Their grip will keep getting stronger as time goes on. The liver begins to manufacture various enzymes that will break down bilirubin this week (byproduct gained from breaking down red blood cells).

Your baby is looking more developed this week with fingernails, lips, eyebrows, and other facial features as well. Your baby is also sleeping and has now formed their sleeping schedule, which will probably be different from yours. Try to get naps when your baby is also sleeping because you might just not be able to get good sleep later on.

A stethoscope can normally detect the baby’s heartbeat by 22 weeks. One can use the number of beats per minute to distinguish between the heartbeats of the pregnant mom and the infant. The heart rate of an adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The baby’s heart will beat quicker, between 110 and 160 beats per minute.

How big is my baby at week 22?

Your baby has grown just a little more this week and now weighs about 430 grams and measures 10.94 inches in height. This week, your baby can be compared to a papaya.


WEEK 22:

Your baby is about the size of a papaya.







From head to heel


WEEK 22:

Your baby is about the size of a papaya







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 22

The “fundal height” of a pregnant belly at 22 weeks is roughly 20 to 24 cm from the pelvic bone to the top of the uterus. This means that you are looking pregnant at twenty-two weeks. You must also have gained a lot of weight and should be wearing maternity clothes by now.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 22 weeks pregnant, you have about 18 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 22?

Your uterus is about an inch above your belly button and growing rapidly. But your tummy isn’t the only thing expanding these days. If you’re like many pregnant women, you’ll notice that your feet grow. While some foot growth can be attributed to pregnancy swelling (edema), there is another reason why feet grow during pregnancy and sometimes don’t shrink back down afterwards. Remember relaxin, the pregnancy hormone that loosens the ligaments and joints around your pelvis to allow your baby to pass through (also responsible for likely clumsiness ).
As a result of loosening the ligaments in the feet, the bones beneath them tend to spread slightly, resulting in a half or whole shoe size increase for many women.
If you must go to the mall for new shoes, choose comfortable and roomy ones with no more than a sensible, 2-inch heel. Skip the stilettos; you’ll have enough trouble keeping your balance as your stomach expands forward.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 22

Although snoring is annoying, it is expected in pregnant women and almost unavoidable for nasal congestion and change of sleeping position. You can try to adjust your head while sleeping to stop snoring.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, you may also experience diarrhea. You may become sensitive to particular meals due to the changes in your body. Also, diarrhea could indicate that you’re on the verge of giving birth. Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain together could signify something more serious, such as appendicitis or cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation).

During this time, progesterone levels are higher, and you may suffer increased gas and constipation. Furthermore, as your uterus grows, it exerts more strain on your bowel; this can be aided by eating nutritious foods and exercising. On the other hand, as your uterus stretches to accommodate the baby, the ligaments that support it move, which might result in severe and dull stomach pain.

Backaches, headaches, dizziness, clumsiness on your feet, swollen and bleeding gums, sleepless nights, and tiredness.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 22

Although snoring is annoying, it is expected in pregnant women and almost unavoidable for nasal congestion and change of sleeping position. You can try to adjust your head while sleeping to stop snoring.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, you may also experience diarrhea. You may become sensitive to particular meals due to the changes in your body. Also, diarrhea could indicate that you’re on the verge of giving birth. Nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain could signify something more serious, such as appendicitis or cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation).

During this time, progesterone levels are higher, and you may suffer increased gas and constipation. Furthermore, as your uterus grows, it exerts more strain on your bowel; this can be aided by eating nutritious foods and exercising. On the other hand, as your uterus stretches to accommodate the baby, the ligaments that support it move, which might result in severe and dull stomach pain.

You may experience this week include; backaches, headaches, dizziness, clumsiness on your feet, swollen and bleeding gums, sleepless nights, and tiredness.

Health tips for week 22

Eat healthily and drink water

Make sure you eat healthily and regularly. Drinking lots of water and exercising can also help you in many areas, such as constipation and excess weight gain.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can harm your baby’s brain development and cause FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Later on, the FAS causes mental, growth, and behavior issues. You should also learn how to say no. 

Decide if you want people to touch your stomach

As your stomach gets bigger, people can be tempted to touch it even without your permission. If you are okay with it, there’s no problem, but if you feel uncomfortable, make sure to complain politely about it.

Avoid Smoking

If you smoke, you must put down your cigarettes right away. Smoking during pregnancy raises the risk of miscarriage and several health problems. Preterm labor and low birth weight can also be caused by smoking. Also, note that the placenta carries everything you eat and drink to your baby. As a result, if you consume alcohol, it will be passed on to your child.

Warnings for your week 22 of pregnancy

Hemorrhoids: Painful, swollen veins around your bottom, are another common complaint during this period of pregnancy. If you do get hemorrhoids, they will usually go away on their own. Try bathing in a warm bath many times a day to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids and avoid sitting for lengthy amounts of time. You might also inquire about over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments or medicated wipes with your doctor.

Changes in vaginal discharge: Watch out for feelings and changes in vaginal discharge. They may indicate your state of health. Quickly consult your health care provider if you experience smelly and colored vaginal discharge.

Braxton Hicks: complain to your doctor if Braxton Hicks are painful or at regular intervals, and speak out if you notice a change in your baby’s movements.