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By week ten, you are in the second week of the last month in your first trimester. Therefore you now have six months and two weeks of pregnancy left. At week ten, many changes are taking place in your body. These changes prepare your body for childbirth. 

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

At week ten, the bones and cartilage are growing, knees and ankles are beginning to form, and little elbows are already functioning.

Tooth buds are already developing beneath the gums, but your baby’s pearly whites won’t appear until about 6-7 months old.

Your little one’s stomach has started producing digestive juices, and the kidneys produce more urine.

Take a Peek

At week ten, the bones and cartilage are growing, knees and ankles are beginning to form, and little elbows are already functioning.

Tooth buds are already developing beneath the gums, but your baby’s pearly whites won’t appear until about 6-7 months old.

Your little one’s stomach has started producing digestive juices, and the kidneys produce more urine.

How is my baby developing at week 10?

By the tenth week, the growth of the head slows down considerably. At the same time, the growth of the body becomes faster. Because of these changes in growth rate, your baby’s body will begin to get bigger than the head. The head-to-body ratio at this stage will begin to look more like the normal human head-to-body ratio.

The facial features at week ten are less broad. The eyes at this stage are gradually coming close to each other. The nose is gradually taking its definitive shape and the ears are below the level of the eyes. 

The lower limbs will increase very well in length at week ten. This enables the lower limb to meet up with the growth of the upper limb that had taken place in previous weeks. During the tenth week, your baby’s stomach will also begin to produce digestive juice.

Tooth bud will also appear at this stage. However, no tooth will become visible until six months after the birth of your baby.

The external genitalia is still developing and has begun to differentiate, but it is still impossible to tell if you’ll be having a boy or a girl. 

Your baby’s heart is still busy. It is pumping blood around your baby’s tiny body. This movement of blood will help transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, and waste product between you and your baby with the help of the placenta.

How big is my baby at week 10?

Your baby is now growing very quickly. Your baby is as big as a prune and about 1.22 inches in size and weighs 4 grams. 


WEEK 10:

Your baby is as big as a prune







From head to heel


WEEK 10:

Your baby is as big as a prune







From head to heel

Baby Bump at Week 10

There is a baby bump at this time, but it is not very obvious. Tight-fitting clothes may make your baby bump more pronounced. The baby bump is a bit more obvious in slim women at this stage.

How many weeks do I have to go?

At 10 weeks pregnant, you have about 30 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

What is happening in my body at week 10?

You may still be experiencing some of those amusing pregnancy symptoms. But, for most expecting mothers, those troubling pregnancy hormones cause the smooth muscles of the large bowel to become weaker and make you constipated.
The fibre in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, as well as drinking plenty of water will help to reduce constipation. 

You might be starting to show at ten weeks pregnant. That’s because your developing uterus is now the size of a prune. But don’t worry if you can’t see your bump yet; you will see it soon.

When it comes to your baby bump, depending on height and body, some women show sooner than others. So if this is your first pregnancy, you may have to wait a little longer than if this is your second or third pregnancy. 

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 10

You may often vomit and feel nauseous; this feeling may persist throughout the day. Certain foods may trigger the feeling of nausea. Avoid foods or anything that triggers the sick feeling.

An increase in the heart rate due to the rise in your body’s metabolic needs. causes fatigue and dizziness.

You may feel bloated due to the presence of the progesterone hormone, which makes gases to build up in your intestine because the intestinal movement slows down.

The hormones progesterone and relaxin are responsible for heartburn during pregnancy. These hormones weaken the muscular gateway between your stomach and your oesophagus. This gateway is called the sphincter. Weakness of the sphincter will allow acid contents from your stomach to move up to the your oesophagus, thereby causing heartburn.

Although the uterus is growing rapidly, it is still not entirely in the abdomen. Due to that, it presses against the rectum and the bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently and easily constipated.

This is an effect of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is needed in pregnancy for the formation of new blood vessels. These blood vessels around your uterus will cause increased blood flow to the pelvic area, stimulating the body’s mucous membranes, leading to an increase vaginal discharge this week.

Abdominal pains this week imitate the mild period pain. This pain is due to the increasing size of your uterus. The ligaments around your uterus are stretching to support your growing bump. You probably don’t have to worry about the pain if it is mild and fades when you change position, do a poo or pass wind.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 10

You may often vomit and feel nauseous; this feeling may persist throughout the day. Certain goods may trigger the feeling of nausea. Avoid foods or anything that triggers the sick feeling.

An increase in the heart rate due to the rise in your body’s metabolic needs. causes fatigue and dizziness.

You may feel bloated due to the presence of the progesterone hormone, which makes gases to build up in your intestine because the intestinal movement slows down.

The hormones progesterone and relaxin are responsible for heartburn during pregnancy. These hormones weaken the muscular gateway between your stomach and your oesophagus. This gateway is called the sphincter. Weakness of the sphincter will allow acid contents from your stomach to move up to the your oesophagus, thereby causing heartburn.

Although the uterus is growing rapidly, it is still not entirely in the abdomen. Due to that, it presses against the rectum and the bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently and easily constipated.

This is an effect of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is needed in pregnancy for the formation of new blood vessels. These blood vessels around your uterus will cause increased blood flow to the pelvic area, stimulating the body’s mucous membranes, leading to an increase vaginal discharge this week.

Abdominal pains this week imitate the mild period pain. This pain is due to the increasing size of your uterus. The ligaments around your uterus are stretching to support your growing bump. You probably don’t have to worry about the pain if it is mild and fades when you change position, do a poo or pass wind.

Health tips for week 10

Take your vitamins and supplements

Do not stop taking your supplements or any medication except advised by your midwife or obstetrician. Each vitamin, supplement, or medication prescribed by your health care provider was prescribed for a reason. Discuss issues of side effects with your obstetrician to make adequate adjustments to the medication. 

Eat Healthily

Eating a balanced diet would ensure sufficient nutrients for you and your baby. Avoid eating junk as this is unhealthy and may cause you to become overweight. Unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy can have a lot of adverse effects.

Wear Appreciated Clothing

Purchase maternity clothes if you don’t have any. These clothes ensure that you are comfortable. Maternity bras will help with the issue of breast soreness.

Genetic Tests

Genetic testing is carried out at this stage. If you are over 35 years, the chances of having babies with genetic abnormalities drastically increase. Younger mothers may also have babies with genetic abnormalities, especially if this has happened before.  

Warnings for your week 10 of pregnancy

Urinary Tract Infection: Now, there is a greater chance of getting a urinary tract infection. So you should watch out for a burning sensation when you urinate. Fever, offensive vaginal discharge, and pelvic pain are symptoms of UTI.

 Miscarriage: A miscarriage could still occur at this stage. You should be extra careful if you’ve had previous issues with miscarriages. If this is the case, please consult your health care provider. Watch out for abdominal pain as well as excessive bleeding.

Excessive vomiting: This may be a sign of twin gestation or molar pregnancy. Consult your health care provider if you are concerned about your excessive vomit.

Chronic Illnesses: Women with illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension should be extra careful. Adhere strictly to all medications prescribed by your physician. Chronic illnesses can endanger your baby, therefore, you should be closely monitored.

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