Molar Pregnancy
A molar pregnancy occurs when the placenta doesn’t develop correctly, forming a tumour in the uterus that transforms the placenta into fluid-filled sacs (cysts).
The First Trimester of Pregnancy
The first trimester, from conception to the 13th week, is crucial for fetal organ development. Extra caution and care are needed to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancies primarily happen when an embryo implants in a fallopian tube, but can also occur in an ovary or the abdominal cavity
Pregnancy Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore
Many hiccup remedies for adults can harm babies. Stick to breast milk or formula, and don’t try traditional tricks like making them jump or giving them water upside down.
Pregnancy Week 3
Despite pregnancy starting two weeks ago, your baby’s development begins this week as cells rapidly multiply, forming a new life.