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Most women who did not find out that they were pregnant at week four would probably find out by week five. This is especially true for those who are not actively trying to get pregnant.

Take a peek at your baby

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Take a Peek

You can now confirm a positive home pregnancy test due to high levels of HCG hormone.
The placenta is developing and will be fully formed at the end of the first trimester. It will join your growing fetus to the wall of your uterus, supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

A neural tube is formed in the embryo, developing into a fetus.

Take a Peek

You can now confirm a positive home pregnancy test due to high levels of HCG hormone.

The placenta is developing and will be fully formed at the end of the first trimester. It will join your growing fetus to the wall of your uterus, supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

A neural tube is formed in the embryo, developing into a fetus.

The majority of pregnant women will find out that they are pregnant by this time. This is because the at-home pregnancy test kits will detect a pregnancy better by week five due to increased concentration of HCG hormone in the blood.

How is my baby developing at week 5?

At week five, your baby does not look like a baby yet. Instead, your baby has a weird shape. This shape consists of a tail, a curved body, and a head.

Most of the baby’s body organs had begun forming at week four. By week five, new physical changes will not be noticed. Instead, your baby will continue to build upon the recent developments that have occurred.

Your baby’s head is one part of your baby’s body that the most visible change is noticed. This is because a baby’s head will grow faster than every other parts. And this will cause the baby to have a head that is bigger than the rest of the body. This rapid enlargement of the head is due to the rapid development of the brain. 

The facial prominences which will form parts of your baby’s facial features will also grow rapidly. And this thus contributes to the size of the head.

The heart of your baby is still in a tube. Two tubes to be precise. Further development of the heart will cause the heart to bulge out; this bulge forms a prominence referred to as the “heart’s prominence”. The heart has already begun pumping blood by week four. And by week five, the heart is continuously pumping blood. But an ultrasound scan does not easily detect your baby’s heartbeat this week, so you have to wait a little longer.

Multiple pregnancies are detected early using an ultrasound scan. During an ultrasound scan, multiple pregnancies will be seen as more than one gestational sac. A gestational sac is a structure that contains fluid. This fluid surrounds your baby during the early weeks of development.

On the face of the baby is a structure called the “lens placard” and this indicates that the eyes are developing.

How big is my baby at week 5?

At week five, the size of your baby is about 0.078 inches which is roughly equal to the size of an orange seed. This is quite small but is bigger than the 0.04 inches in your week four. This indicates that growth is occurring, even though growth is not rapid.



Your baby is about the size of an Orange seed







From head to heel



Your baby is about the size of an Orange seed







From head to heel

How many weeks do i have to go?

At 5 weeks pregnant, you have about 35 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

You will start to notice symptoms like a missed period, mood swings and nausea which means your pregnancy hormones have started functioning. A home pregnancy test can detect the high levels of HCG in your urine at week five, and then you’ll be able to confirm your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 5

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Not everyone will experience this, but a majority of pregnant women will. Feeling nauseous or vomiting during the early hours of the morning is due to the increasing presence of pregnancy hormones.

At this stage, you may have the urge to urinate more frequently than you used to. This is because the uterus is still in the pelvis region, gradually enlarging in size, and pressing against the bladder as it increases. Since the bladder cannot freely expand, you will have the urge to urinate frequently.

This is because of the effect of progesterone. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. This hormone causes the woman to be more tired than usual. The feeling of dizziness and an increased urge to sleep are the signs.

The increase in pregnancy hormones causes consistent mood swings.

Slight pain is felt in the breasts, which can be  associated with increased  pregnancy hormones.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 5

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Not everyone will experience this, but a majority of pregnant women will. Feeling nauseous or vomiting during the early hours of the morning is due to the increasing presence of pregnancy hormones.

At this stage, you may have the urge to urinate more frequently than you used to. This is because the uterus is still in the pelvis region, gradually enlarging in size, and pressing against the bladder as it increases. Since the bladder cannot freely expand, you will have the urge to urinate frequently.

This is because of the effect of progesterone. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. This hormone causes the woman to be more tired than usual. The feeling of dizziness and an increased urge to sleep are the signs.

The increase in pregnancy hormones causes consistent mood swings.

Slight pain is felt in the breasts, which can be  associated with increased  pregnancy hormones.

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Health Tips for Week 5

Paying a visit to a midwife or obstetrician

If you haven’t done this yet or just found out that you’re pregnant, you should immediately do so. This becomes more urgent if a woman has been actively trying to get pregnant or has had problems with previous pregnancies.

Getting professional advice is golden. Please see a medical practitioner, even if this is your first pregnancy or you’ve not had complications with past pregnancies. Each pregnancy will be different from the last. Also, a health practitioner would offer advice on the change or discontinuation of certain medications.

Warnings for your week 5 of pregnancy

Some of the major reasons why it is important to visit a health practitioner at this stage relate to issues such as;


This is especially for those who have had recurrent miscarriages in the past. Since each pregnancy is unique, new problems may be avoided. 

Abnormal vagina bleeding can be an indication of a miscarriage. Any form of abnormal bleeding during this time should be reported to a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is hazardous. An ultrasound scan will detect this quickly and save you the stress and trauma associated with an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy can go unnoticed, therefore striking a disaster. But an early scan will save your life and your fallopian tube.

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Most women who did not find out that they were pregnant at week four would probably find out by week five. This is especially true for those who are not actively trying to get pregnant.

Take a peek at your baby

Play Video

Take a Peek

You can now confirm a positive home pregnancy test due to high levels of HCG hormone.
The placenta is developing and will be fully formed at the end of the first trimester. It will join your growing fetus to the wall of your uterus, supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

A neural tube is formed in the embryo, developing into a fetus.

Take a Peek

You can now confirm a positive home pregnancy test due to high levels of HCG hormone.

The placenta is developing and will be fully formed at the end of the first trimester. It will join your growing fetus to the wall of your uterus, supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

A neural tube is formed in the embryo, developing into a fetus.

The majority of pregnant women will find out that they are pregnant by this time. This is because the at-home pregnancy test kits will detect a pregnancy better by week five due to increased concentration of HCG hormone in the blood.

How is my baby developing at week 5?

At week five, your baby does not look like a baby yet. Instead, your baby has a weird shape. This shape consists of a tail, a curved body, and a head.

Most of the baby’s body organs had begun forming at week four. By week five, new physical changes will not be noticed. Instead, your baby will continue to build upon the recent developments that have occurred.

Your baby’s head is one part of your baby’s body that the most visible change is noticed. This is because a baby’s head will grow faster than every other parts. And this will cause the baby to have a head that is bigger than the rest of the body. This rapid enlargement of the head is due to the rapid development of the brain. 

The facial prominences which will form parts of your baby’s facial features will also grow rapidly. And this thus contributes to the size of the head.

The heart of your baby is still in a tube. Two tubes to be precise. Further development of the heart will cause the heart to bulge out; this bulge forms a prominence referred to as the “heart’s prominence”. The heart has already begun pumping blood by week four. And by week five, the heart is continuously pumping blood. But an ultrasound scan does not easily detect your baby’s heartbeat this week, so you have to wait a little longer.

Multiple pregnancies are detected early using an ultrasound scan. During an ultrasound scan, multiple pregnancies will be seen as more than one gestational sac. A gestational sac is a structure that contains fluid. This fluid surrounds your baby during the early weeks of development.

On the face of the baby is a structure called the “lens placard” and this indicates that the eyes are developing.

How big is my baby at week 5?

At week five, the size of your baby is about 0.078 inches which is roughly equal to the size of an orange seed. This is quite small but is bigger than the 0.04 inches in your week four. This indicates that growth is occurring, even though growth is not rapid.



Your baby is about the size of an Orange seed







From head to heel



Your baby is about the size of an Orange seed







From head to heel

How many weeks do i have to go?

At 5 weeks pregnant, you have about 35 more weeks to complete your pregnancy journey.

You will start to notice symptoms like a missed period, mood swings and nausea which means your pregnancy hormones have started functioning. A home pregnancy test can detect the high levels of HCG in your urine at week five, and then you’ll be able to confirm your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 5

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Not everyone will experience this, but a majority of pregnant women will. Feeling nauseous or vomiting during the early hours of the morning is due to the increasing presence of pregnancy hormones.

At this stage, you may have the urge to urinate more frequently than you used to. This is because the uterus is still in the pelvis region, gradually enlarging in size, and pressing against the bladder as it increases. Since the bladder cannot freely expand, you will have the urge to urinate frequently.

This is because of the effect of progesterone. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. This hormone causes the woman to be more tired than usual. The feeling of dizziness and an increased urge to sleep are the signs.

The increase in pregnancy hormones causes consistent mood swings.

Slight pain is felt in the breasts, which can be  associated with increased  pregnancy hormones.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 5

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Not everyone will experience this, but a majority of pregnant women will. Feeling nauseous or vomiting during the early hours of the morning is due to the increasing presence of pregnancy hormones.

At this stage, you may have the urge to urinate more frequently than you used to. This is because the uterus is still in the pelvis region, gradually enlarging in size, and pressing against the bladder as it increases. Since the bladder cannot freely expand, you will have the urge to urinate frequently.

This is because of the effect of progesterone. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone that helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. This hormone causes the woman to be more tired than usual. The feeling of dizziness and an increased urge to sleep are the signs.

The increase in pregnancy hormones causes consistent mood swings.

Slight pain is felt in the breasts, which can be  associated with increased  pregnancy hormones.

A missed period is a common first sign of pregnancy, which alerts a person to take a pregnancy test. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy stops the shedding of your uterine lining and ovulation.

Health Tips for Week 5

Paying a visit to a midwife or obstetrician

If you haven’t done this yet or just found out that you’re pregnant, you should immediately do so. This becomes more urgent if a woman has been actively trying to get pregnant or has had problems with previous pregnancies.

Getting professional advice is golden. Please see a medical practitioner, even if this is your first pregnancy or you’ve not had complications with past pregnancies. Each pregnancy will be different from the last. Also, a health practitioner would offer advice on the change or discontinuation of certain medications.

Warnings for your week 5 of pregnancy

Some of the major reasons why it is important to visit a health practitioner at this stage relate to issues such as;


This is especially for those who have had recurrent miscarriages in the past. Since each pregnancy is unique, new problems may be avoided. 

Abnormal vagina bleeding can be an indication of a miscarriage. Any form of abnormal bleeding during this time should be reported to a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is hazardous. An ultrasound scan will detect this quickly and save you the stress and trauma associated with an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy can go unnoticed, therefore striking a disaster. But an early scan will save your life and your fallopian tube.